Following a battle between the two, Gabriel snaps Satan's neck, sending the angel back to Hell.
Satan then plans to use the God Mask as means to re-enter Heaven, and even offers Gabriel a place at his side, but Gabriel refuses the fallen angel's offer. When Death obtains the completed God Mask from Gabriel at the end of the game, Satan lights his pawn on fire and takes the mask for himself. Through most of the story, Satan is a background influence, controlling Death from the shadows and quietly haunting the dreams of any unlucky enough to stand in the way of Gabriel's quest.
When Death breached into Hell in his endless quest for knowledge, Satan brainwashed the Necromancer to be his pawn in the fallen angel's bid to obtain the God Mask. Satan, Lucifer the Fallen, is the true Big Bad of Lords of Shadow. 'It is my divine right to rule by His side as an equal.or perhaps more than that.'